Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) May 31, 2012


In a country riddled with obesity, diabetes and other weight-related issues, Americans are beginning to realize something has got to change: their diets. In many cases, a trip to the local health food store is not necessary in the creation of a well balanced meal. In fact, some of the healthiest foods are in the aisles of your average supermarket.

When brightly-colored stickers claiming ‘all natural’ and ‘fat free’ are slapped on every package available, people fail to realize is that there is an abundance of foods that don’t need that type of marketing tactics. But why?

“What many people don’t realize is that they are missing out on ample opportunities to better their health with foods they see every day,” said Dr. Shahram Salimitari, a weight loss surgeon in Encino. “Those who don’t maintain a well-balanced diet are at risk for developing a number of health complications including vitamin deficiencies and weight issues.”

1. Nuts – Sometimes it’s okay to be a bit nuts. There was a time where nuts were considered nothing more than sources of bad fat. However, these days, the benefits of these tasty yet healthy treats are beginning to be recognized. Almonds are rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, as well as protein. Walnuts provide a plethora of benefits that support heart, brain, skin and bone health.

2. Eggs – Although there have been a number of myths associated with eggs, they are not as unhealthy as those would believe. Unless cholesterol problems previously exist, it is highly recommended to eat the entire egg. In fact, the yolk is filled with the majority of the nutrients and proteins available in the egg. Eggs are incredibly well-rounded with a great protein to fat to calorie ratio and are ideal for weight-loss, as well as muscle gain.

3. Spinach – Popeye was right all along: spinach truly knows no bounds. This leafy green has gigantic levels of vitamins A and K and contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and B6. But it doesn’t end there. Spinach is a great source of manganese and iron and can provide anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant powers, as well as promote bone health.

4. Quinoa – Hailed as a ‘super-food’ and currently growing in popularity, quinoa is a great source of protein containing all essential amino acids. A well-rounded food that is especially beneficial for those maintaining a meat-free diet, quinoa also provides magnesium, fiber and can even improve cardiovascular health.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables – There’s a reason mothers force their children to eat their veggies. Cruciferous vegetables, or those vegetables of the Cruciferae family, such as broccoli and cauliflower are exceptional sources of vitamins C and K. Broccoli has antioxidant powers, while cauliflower can increase blood circulation and has been to shown to work as an anti-inflammatory. Cruciferous vegetables are perfect for supplementing any meal because they keep you full and give your body numerous nutrients it needs to work efficiently.

6. Salmon – This fatty fish is packed with vitamins D, B3 and B12 and provides an excellent source of high-quality protein. It also contains great amounts of omega-3 fatty acid which is ideal for cell function and communication, as well as brain and eye health.

7. Beans – Not only considered the ‘musical fruit’, beans are also full of protein and fiber. Black beans are great for blood sugar regulation, while kidney beans provide energizing iron, as well as support for a healthy heart.

8. Tomatoes – Sure ketchup is tasty, but why not just go straight to the source? Rich in lycopene, potassium and vitamins C, A, K, tomatoes promote cardiovascular and bone health.

9. Sweet Potatoes – You say potato, I say sweet potato. Some might think due to its sweetness it would be less healthy than its counterpart, however, sweet potatoes actually provide many more beneficial nutrients. This colorful vegetable is chock-full of beta-carotene, vitamins A and C and can help regulate blood sugar levels, as well as boost immunities.

10. Blueberries – Willy Wonka may enjoy turning spoiled children into this juicy, colorful fruit, but that isn’t the only thing blueberries have to offer. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, manganese, and can promote eye health, as well as prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

It is crucial to maintain a balanced diet for both health and wellness. For more nutritional and exercise tips visit the LAP-BAND VIP Facebook page at http://facebook.com/lapbandvip.